Health care for internally displaced persons in Syria in Aleppo - SlovakAid

Health care for internally displaced persons in Syria in Aleppo

Syrian Arab Republic
Location of implmentation
State of projects implementation
Type of financing
Humanitarian projects
Implementation period
01.09.2021 - 31.01.2023
Social infrastructure and services
ODA grant
199999 EUR
Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety
1: STEP-IN, 2: Latin Parish St Francis Assise


The project focuses on improving the health status of internally displaced persons and refugees in Syria. The main goal of the project is to decrease morbidity and mortality in Aleppo with an emphasis on children and mothers. The presented project will create conditions for the provision of quality basic health care as a response to the current refugee crisis in the country. The project is aimed at 38,000 residents of eastern Aleppo and 17,000 residents of the Midan district. The implementation of the project will increase the availability of health care for residents in the area, provide care for the elderly and disabled, and provide preventive measures to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. A total of 26,555 community members will receive care. Local partner 1 - Step in: STEP-IN has been operating in Syria since 2018. Its main activity is providing basic health care to internally displaced persons and returning refugees. T. no. has STEP-IN medical teams operating two stationary health centers in Aleppo province and one mobile medical team visiting multiple sites where refugees are living in makeshift conditions. Local partner 2 - Latin Parish St Francis Assisi has been active in humanitarian aid in Aleppo since 2015. It has extensive experience in implementing projects focused on infrastructure, humanitarian aid, health care provision and health education. Between 2015 and 2019, he implemented a project to reconstruct 1,000 family homes destroyed by the war in Syria. Mainly during 2016, he organized numerous distributions of food (field kitchen) as well as clothing and hygiene. He operated and operates smaller medical facilities providing care mainly to internally displaced persons and displaced persons. During his tenure, he works closely with local hospitals and clinics in Syria and also provides material equipment, including medicines, for patients who could not afford to buy them. Several of these projects were financed from the official foreign aid of European countries (Poland, Spain, Italy, Austria). Over the past 5 years, they have successfully implemented several projects financed also from official foreign development aid, and we consider them a reliable partner for this presented project as well.

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