Financial contributions - SlovakAid

Financial contributions

Financial contributions are used in the development cooperation (bilateral and multilateral), including humanitarian aid. The conditions for their provision are defined by the Development Cooperation Act. Financial contributions are provided mainly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and the SAIDC, but the law also allows them to contribute by other ministries and central state administration bodies. The instrument can apply in developing countries on the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list.

The provision of financial contributions based on a decision of the Minister of MFEA SR is one of the flexible instruments of development cooperation of the Slovak Republic.

Financial contributions serve for acute humanitarian aid, bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

To ensure greater consistency and better monitoring of the provided financial contributions, Act no. 392/2015 Coll., On development cooperation and amendments to certain acts (Section 8, Paragraph 1, Letters b) to d).


Mgr. Nina Lacová
Project and Financial Manager
for Volunteers, Financial contributions
tel.: +421-2-5978-2603

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Projekty podporené finančným príspevkom

Poskytovanie finančných príspevkov na základe rozhodnutia ministra ZVEZ SR patrí medzi flexibilné nástroje rozvojovej spolupráce SR. Finančné príspevky boli poskytnuté na akútnu humanitárnu pomoc, bilaterálnu a multilaterálnu spoluprácu