Archív European projects - SlovakAid

European projects

Project of EU delegated cooperation aimed to provide support for internal market in Serbia

Project is financed from the instrument for pre-accession assistance – IPA and is aimed at integrating the Serbian market environment into the EU internal market.

Project of EU delegated cooperation aimed to support local media in Moldova

Project funded by European Union focused on promoting a more appropriate environment for independent local media in Moldova

Team Europe Iniciative project focused on supporting entrepreneurial ecosystem development

Financed by the EU, implemented by the Team Europe member states. Project interventions aim to increase the quality, accessibility and attractivness of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in 5 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The joint project of Visegrad Four (V4) countries in Kenya

The four-year € 1.9 million project will support 15,000 small farmers, cashew and sesame growers, and create new jobs in three Kenyan provinces.

Joint Programming in Kenya – AgriFI Challenge Fund

The European Union’s joint programming in the field of development cooperation in Kenya.