Microgrants - SlovakAid


Microgrants are a flexible and effective form of development cooperation of the Slovak Republic and are implemented through the network of Slovak embassies abroad, mainly in these countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Lebanon, Iraq, Serbia/Kosovo*, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Ukraine and Kenya.

* In accordance with UNSC Resolution no. 1244/99.

Slovak embassies publish the conditions for obtaining a microgrant, as well as an official Call for Proposals, on their respective websites every year, together with the supporting documents: Application For Financial Contribution, Completion Report, Financial Report and an instruction manual for applicants Small Grants Guidance.

Microgrants are awarded to non-governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, civic associations, local/municipal authorities, schools and healthcare institutions, registered in the country of operation of the respective Slovak embassy. An applicant for a microgrant cannot be a person subject to an international sanction under Act no. 289/2016 Coll. on the implementation of international sanctions and on the amendment of Act no. 566/2001 Coll. on Securities and Investment Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts.

Microgrants are awarded for an implementation period of six (6) to twelve (12) months since the date of signature of the Small Grant Agreement.

The maximum amount awarded for a microgrant is 10 000 EUR.

According to the Medium-Term Strategy of Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2019-2023, implementation of microgrants is possible in the following sectors: Quality education, Good health, Good governance and building civil society, Food safety and agriculture, Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources, Supporting creation of market conditions, Environment  and climate change and Equal opportunities.

Further information can be found on the websites of the above-mentioned Slovak embassies.

Examples of successful microgrants


In the fight against COVID-19 in the province of “Uasim Ghisu”, 20 sewing machines and material for sewing of protective masks were purchased in the amount of 9 998 €.

43 000 protective masks were sewn.

20 new jobs have been created for women and single mothers.


Thanks to a microgrant called "Safety Measures for the Serving Team", hand protection and disinfectants worth 9 938,05 € were purchased and provided to employees and volunteers, who could then continue their day-to-day work during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Thanks to a microgrant called "Safe Schools - schools without coronavirus" in the amount of 10 000 €, we supported the protection of Slovak school students against COVID-19 in Vojvodina, through the production of protective shields on 3D printers.


The aim of a microgrant „Disposable masks for prevention of Covid-19“ in the amount of 9 857 € was  to support the production and distribution of 46 000 protective masks. At the same time, the acquisition of additional skills for 30 women (including 27 female prisoners) was supported.


Medical devices for the fight against COVID-19 were purchased for an infectious diseases clinic in the Transcarpathian region, through a microgrant in the total amount of 7 980 €:

  • pipette containers,
    • respirators,
    • Biosan thermostat,
    • a centrifuge,
    • programmable rotator,
    • cooling equipment,
    • filters and kits for COVID testing itself.


Through a microgrant called "Rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19" in the amount of 10 000 €, we secured the purchase of the so-called ozone generator, the inhalation of which is recommended for the recovery of patients after COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases.


MSc. Rastislav Bílik
Project and Financial Manager for Microgrants (GE, MD, KE, MK, IQ, LB)

Ing. Marianna Šadibolová
Project and Financial Manager for Microgrants (UA, BaH, AL, SRB, MNE, KS*) and SSE Contact Point
+421 2 5978 2613

* The positions to the Statute are not impacted by this denomination which is in line with United Nations Securtiy Council Resolution No. 1244/1999 and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the declaration of independence of Kosovo

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