News - Page 2 of 5 - SlovakAid

Slovakia brings practical experience to Albania via micro-grant

Managing waste is a major issue in Albania.  On average every person in Albania generates around 310kg of waste a year. Nearly 80% of domestic waste ends up in landfills and well over half of all waste is organic.  The local environment in rural areas is also badly affected by widespread littering and the dumping […]

Throughout 2023, our help knew no boundaries

"Our help knows no boundaries" is the slogan with which SAIDC throughout the year 2023 not only reminded that SlovakAid has been helping for 20 years, but also emphasized that we at the agency are aware of what cooperation entails, at the end of which our partners help concrete people in the most difficult life situations.

SlovakAid Development Summit 2023

V roku 2023 si naša krajina pripomína významné výročie – 20 rokov poskytovania oficiálnej rozvojovej pomoci Slovenskou republikou. Od získania samostatnosti v roku 1993 prešlo Slovensko výraznými zmenami, vrátane náročného procesu ekonomickej aj spoločenskej transformácie a budovania demokratických štátnych inštitúcií. Slovensko sa transformovalo z prijím...