Strategy of SR and Agenda 2030 - SlovakAid

Strategy of SR and Agenda 2030

ODA - official development assistance

Official Development Assistance (ODA) is a set of state activities aimed at helping and supporting developing countries towards sustainable development. It lies on the perception of co-responsibility for global progress, to which national governments want to help in this way. ODA rest on funds that governments set aside from state budgets and then either transfer to international institutions such as the UN, OECD, EU, focused on development aid (multilateral development aid) or finance projects and programs in selected countries (bilateral development aid) or the basis of an agreement with a partner (trilateral development aid). In the recent two cases, it is aid whose geographical and sectoral direction, delivery method, and amount of contributions is characterized by the primary states themselves.

The structure of ODA SR management

Several national entities participate in the creation and implementation of ODA SR under the SlovakAid brand:

  • The coordinator of Slovak development aid is the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Directorate General for Economic and Development Cooperation, Department for Development Assistance and Humanitarian Aid.
  • The coordinating, initiative, and advisory inter-ministerial body for development cooperation of the Slovak Republic is the Coordinating Committee for Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic. It ensures, in particular, the harmonization of policies for the development and preparation of the development cooperation strategy of the Slovak Republic, the focus of bilateral development cooperation for the coming year, and other conceptual documents. It councils when needed and is chaired by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, a member. The other members are:
    • State Secretaries of the MF SR, MARD SR, ME SR, MESRS SR, MI SR, MD SR, MLSAF SR, MTC SR, ME SR, MH SR, MIRDI SR, and MC SR
    • Representatives of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Committee on European Affairs of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
    • Representatives of SAIDC, Platforms of Non-Governmental Development Organizations, Slovak Business Agency, Association of Employers' Unions and Associations of the Slovak Republic, Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia, Eximabanka SR, and the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • The implementing organization of Slovak development cooperation is the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation. SAIDC has been established by the Ministry by Act no. 617/2007 Coll., The position and competence of the agency are regulated by the currently valid Act no. 392 on development cooperation and on the amendment of certain acts as amended by Act no. 281/2019 Coll. Through specialized programs and grant rounds, SAIDC allows national entities to implement projects in target countries. Public entities, including state and academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and business entities, participate in implementing Slovak development aid.


MFEA SR started to provide official development assistance under the SlovakAid brand in 2003 when Slovakia became a donor from the recipient country. This change resulted from the positive development of the Slovak political-economic situation with integration into vital international structures (EU, OECD, NATO). Since 2003, the Slovak development agenda has come a long way and has become an effective tool and an integral part of Slovak foreign policy.

In 2007, the MFEA SR established the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC), which, by its statute, acquired the competencies of administrative and contracting units of the Trust Fund (ACU TF) and Bratislava - Belgrade Fund (ACU BBF), project cycles within the framework of official development cooperation.

Through specialized programs and grant rounds, SAIDC allows national entities to implement projects in target countries. Public entities are involved in implementing Slovak development cooperation, including state and academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and business entities.

Geographical and sectoral priorities

Development cooperation in the period 2025-2030 will primarily be implemented in the EU Eastern Partnership region, the Western Balkans, the Middle East and East Africa.

The programme countries will continue to be Moldova, Kenya and Georgia, while Ukraine will have the status of a country with special needs. A region with great potential for the gradual intensification of the Slovak Republic's development activities is Central Asia.

Within the framework of the sectoral focus, SlovakAid's activities will focus on supporting infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources, food security and agriculture, creating a market environment, good health, quality education and good governance, and building civil society.

The above sectoral priorities are complemented by two cross-cutting themes that will be applied within all SlovakAid activities:

1. Environment and climate change and
2. Equality between women and men.

The scholarship program, the volunteer and expert secondment program, and the business partnership program can be achieved in countries outside the above-mentioned territorial priorities.

ODA SR tools

  • provision of subsidies
  • providing a financial contribution
  • placing an order
  • providing knowledge and experience
  • donation of movable state property
  • government scholarships
  • debt forgiveness
  • the provision of a preferential export credit
  • implementation of European Union financial instruments for development cooperation
  • other implements to be decided by the government

The Slovak Republic is involved in multilateral assistance mainly through the EU development activities and international organizations and institutions such as the UN, the World Bank Group, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. It implements development cooperation in the form of involvement in decision-making processes by providing contributions from the state budget and increasing the share capital of international financial institutions.

Evaluation of bilateral development cooperation

Evaluation is an important part of managing development cooperation and improving its effectiveness. It is the systematic and objective evaluation of an ongoing or completed project, programme or activity, its implementation and results. The aim is to determine their relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. Evaluation also provides objectively based information for decision-making on the future direction and implementation of development cooperation of the Slovak Republic.


Multilateral development assistance

The Slovak Republic is involved in multilateral assistance mainly through the EU development activities and international organizations and institutions such as the UN, the World Bank Group, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. It implements development cooperation in the form of involvement in decision-making processes by providing contributions from the state budget and increasing the share capital of international financial institutions.

Agenda 2030

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an ambitious and comprehensive initiative of the international community from 2015. It contains 17 sustainable development goals, which the professional public calls SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals. Their fulfillment should help to solve global problems which no country can solve in isolation, and that progress can achieve through cooperation and partnership building. MIRDI SR is responsible for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the national level. MFEA SR is responsible for implementation in the international environment.

In June 2018, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved six national priorities for the implementation of Agenda 2030 (Government Resolution No. 273/2018), which emerged from a participatory process involving a wide range of actors. Six national priorities, resp. the main areas of implementation of the 2030 Agenda are coherent with the six sectoral priorities of the Slovak ODA defined by this medium-term strategy.



Team Europe consists of the EU, its 27 Member States, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The Team Europe approach means joining forces so that our joint external action becomes more than the sum of its parts. By working together in an inclusive and coordinated manner and pooling our resources and expertise, we deliver greater impact for our partner countries. 

Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs) are an example of how coming together in a Team Europe approach can deliver transformational results for partner countries or regions.  

Team Europe Explorer is an Interactive Platform to Explore and Visualize EU Development Aid, allowing users to freely explore and visualise the EU and its Member States’ spending of official development assistance (ODA) and Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD).

The Team Europe Explorer draws its data from the Commission’s internal database as well as open data reported by the EU Member States and the European Investment Bank to the OECD’s databases (Creditor Reporting System (CRS) and TOSSD), and the database of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard. It is managed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA).

The section dedicated to Official Development Assistance (ODA) enables explore Team Europe’s ODA through an interactive dashboard, a quick view of the main insights as well as pre-designed and downloadable one-pagers of infographics for individual recipient countries and groups.

In addition, the section dedicated to Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) to be able to explore Team Europe’s TOSSD through an interactive dashboard and a quick view of the main insights.

Team Europe Explorer is available at the following link: