SAIDC Agency - SlovakAid

SAIDC Agency

SAIDC mission

The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) contributes with its activities to the fulfillment of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. SAIDC ensures the implementation of development cooperation and humanitarian aid by building capacity, sharing experience, sending volunteers and experts, along supporting the business environment following the Medium-Term Strategy of Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2019 to 2023.

In carrying out our activities, we strive to apply the principle of belonging and so contribute to change for a fairer and safer world.

GlobalCitizen SlovakAid

We are part of one world, and we understand the world language of tolerance and respect. Our home is the world, our world is solidarity and humanity.

Main activities

The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) is a budgetary organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (MFEA SR). The mission of the agency is to ensure the implementation of official development assistance of the Slovak Republic following programming and conceptual documents prepared by MFEA SR, required evidence of the European Union (EU), United Nations (UN), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and other international commitments.

Scope of SAIDC

Firmed by § 5 of the Act no. 392 on development cooperation and the amendment of certain acts as amended by Act no. 281/2019 coll., the agency, in assistance with the MFEA SR, implements development cooperation, including humanitarian aid, public information, development education, and capacity building.

Basic information

Title: Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC)
Address: Palisády 7052/29, 811 06 Bratislava
Contact: e-mail:
Central Authority (Founder): Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Form of management: budgetary organization connected to the state budget through the budget chapter of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Identification number (IČO): 31819559
Tax ID (DIČ): 2022359009

Director: Ing. Michal Čornak 

Certificate EN ISO 9001: 2015
SAIDC Quality Policy 
ESAIDC Code of Ethics

SAIDC Statute

Details of the agency's effort, on the internal organization of the agency, and on mutual relations between the agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic in the field of development, cooperation is regulated by the SAIDC Statute.

How do we help?

SAIDC provides all activities related to the management and administration of the project cycle.

These include the announcement of calls for applications for subsidies, evaluation of submitted applications, preparation of meetings of the SlovakAid Project Commission, conclusion and administration of contracts with project implementers, financial management and control of projects, their monitoring, and evaluation.

The role of SAIDC is also to provide support to non-governmental organizations, the business sector, and others interested in the implementation of projects to involve them in development programs and projects.

The Agency also ensures the communication of ideas and missions of official development assistance to the professional and secular public through various external communication activities.

SAIDC provides official development assistance according to basic rules and principles that matched the foreign policy and economic priorities of the Slovak Republic and with the principles of international development policy, especially the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action and European Union Development Policy. In its activities, SAMRS emphasizes the effectiveness of development aid, coherence for development, and flexibility arranged by development aid, while paying attention to the economy of spending funds.


The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) is a budgetary organization of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (MFEA SR). The scope of SAIDC is determined by § 5 of Act no. 392/2015 Coll. on Official Development Cooperation (as amended by Act 281/2019) and supplementing Act no. 575/2001 Coll. on the organization of the activities of the government and the organization of the central state administration, as amended on 5 December 2007.

In its activities, SAIDC includes the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to which the Slovak Republic has explicitly committed itself. Within its capabilities and competencies, it helps address global challenges such as eradicating poverty and extreme hunger, achieving universal education, promoting gender equality, reducing child mortality, improving health, combating deadly diseases such as HIV / AIDS and malaria, and ensuring environmental sustainability and the Global Partnership for Development.

Agency contract with the central authority

The contract between MFEA SR and SAIDC is concluded following the Resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic no. 1370/2002 / B1 of 18 December 2002 and according to Act 523/2004 Coll. on budgetary rules of public administration. It regulates relations between MFAEA SR and SAMRS in the implementation of foreign development aid by Act no. 392/2015 Coll. on Development Cooperation and Amendments to Certain Acts as Amended by Act 281/2019 Coll. on 11 September 2019 and the Statute of the SAIDC. You can find the contract valid for the current calendar year in the Documents section below.

Disclosure of information

Every request to make information available must have the prescribed requirements listed in Article 14 (2) of the Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information (Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information and on amendments to certain laws (Act on Freedom of Information) *Slovak language only) .

It must be clear from the application to which liable person it is intended, the applicant's name, surname, first name or business name, his residence address or registered office, which information the application relates to and the method of making the requested information available.

According to the law, the request for making information available can be submitted in writing - by email (to the address:, by post or in person at the address of the agency's headquarters (Palisády 7052/29, 811 06 Bratislava).

Requests for making information available are processed without delay, no later than 8 working days from the date of submission of the request. For serious reasons established by law, this deadline can be extended, in accordance with the law, by no more than 8 working days.