Promoting food self-sufficiency and access to drinking water in Cuibet region - SlovakAid

Promoting food self-sufficiency and access to drinking water in Cuibet region

South Sudan
Location of implmentation
State of projects implementation
Type of financing
Development projects
Implementation period
01.11.2021 - 31.08.2023
Potravinová bezpečnosť a poľnohospodárstvo
ODA grant
220116 EUR
Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, n.o.
1: Hope for sick and poor (SSD); 2: Green Village Network (GVN)


The main goal of the project is to strengthen food security for 8,500 inhabitants of three rural communities in Cuibet County in South Sudan, by building the capacity of local communities to the impacts of climate change in agriculture. The project responds to the situation in the field of agricultural production and the looming famine with the aim of creating conditions for local communities to grow crops, increase agricultural production and improve access to drinking water. During the implementation of the project, 3 community farms should be set up together with an irrigation system, demonstration fields have been created, seeds and tools for growing and protecting crops will be purchased, and farmers will be provided for the production of agricultural crops. The project also significantly addresses access to drinking water by building a well, as well as repairing non-functional wells and training on the basic use of hand wells and pumps.

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