Building of effective state administration authorities for control of occupational health services in Serbia and North Macedonia - SlovakAid

🆕➡️VÝZVY SlovakAid 2024⬅️🆕

Building of effective state administration authorities for control of occupational health services in Serbia and North Macedonia

Location of implmentation
Srbsko, Severné Macedónsko
State of projects implementation
Type of financing
Development projects
Implementation period
01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023
Good governance and building civil society
ODA grant
188450 EUR
Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Senec-Pezinok
1: Institut za medicinu rada Srbije „Dr Dragomir Karajović“ ; 2: JZU Institut za medicina na trudot na Republika Severna Makedonija – Skopje


The project focuses on providing comprehensive assistance and transfer of Slovak experience in the field of occupational medicine in the Western Balkans, respectively in Serbia (RS) and North Macedonia (NM). The beneficiaries of the project and the partners are two national key institutions for occupational medicine: the Institute of Occupational Health of RS “Dr.Dragomir Karajović” and the Institute of Occupational Health of NM. The project solves a key problem in the field of occupational health in these two countries: lack of control of occupational medicine services in the system of occupational health services (OHS) in RS and NM. Achieving the main goal of the project, that is strengthening and expanding the human and technical capacities of these institutes for the performance of control of OHS at the national level will limit the possibility of poor performance and circumvention of their obligations, while the control of the implemented services will give a presumption of comparable quality. This will significantly improve the overall area of prevention and health protection at work with a positive impact on the working population in RS and NM and solve problems of vulnerable groups on the basis of equal access to OHS for men and women. Based on Slovak experience, the joint SR-RS-NM team will further focus on the creation of functional digital registers for the registration of verified suspicions of occupational diseases (OD) and acknowledged OD, in order to enable better analysis of the data and meet the reporting obligations of RS and NM to the European Statistics on Occupational Diseases-EODS.  Emphasis is placed on increasing the sustainability of results and raising the profile of the support provided by Slovak Aid through communication tools, including the WHO Occupational Health Collaborating Centres in RS and NM.

Building of effective state administration authorities for control of occupational health services in Serbia and North Macedonia

On November 26, 2021, the second working meeting of the project team of the Institute of Occupational Medicine of North Macedonia took place - Prof. MUDr. Jovanka Bislimovska, Prof. MUDr. Sasho Stoleski and Prof. MUDr. Dragan Mijakovski - with the director of RRA Senec-Pezinok, Mr. Ľ. Pavlova. The working meeting was held in the premises of the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Skopje.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the content of the proposed structure for the development of a situational analysis of procedures for the control of occupational medicine services in North Macedonia, which the Institute currently uses. Issues of responsibility of individual team members were also discussed, and prepared promotional materials in the Macedonian language were also delivered. Colleagues from the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Skopje expressed great satisfaction with the way the joint team of Slovakia, Serbia and North Macedonia cooperated. The Institute of Occupational Medicine of North Macedonia (IOHRNM), WHO Collaboration Center and Gal2en Collaboration Center (Global European Network for Allergy and Asthma) is a leading national institution in the field of occupational health, implementing medical, methodological, educational and
scientific research activities in this area. The Institute is responsible for establishing criteria and methodology for work, designing and implementing preventive and scientific research programs, initiating and creating strategic documents, legal regulations and standards in the field of occupational health protection.

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