Improving the resilience and living conditions of people affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine through material and psychosocial support - SlovakAid

Improving the resilience and living conditions of people affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine through material and psychosocial support

Location of implmentation
State of projects implementation
Type of financing
Development projects
Implementation period
01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021
Dobré zdravie
ODA grant
100000 EUR
Zaporizhia Regional Fund Child Smile


Projekt má za cieľ riešiť problémy ľudí žijúcich na východe Ukrajiny v Bakhmutskom a Avdiivskom regióne v oblasti Donecku. Projekt zabezpečí rekonštrukciu 5 a vybavenie 15 sociálnych centier zameraných na podporu detí, vďaka čomu bude mať približne 5000 detí žijúcich v konfliktných oblastiach zlepšný prístup k sociálnej podpore v bezpečnejšom a dôstojnejšom prostredí s vhodnými pomôckami.

Project description

Avdiivka regions of the Donetsk Oblast by providing psychosocial and material support. The project activities focused on eliminating the consequences of the long-term armed conflict and on creating better conditions for the socio-economic development in the Donetsk Oblast.  5 social centres were renovated and 15 social centres received equipment within the scope of the project. The aim was to support children, improve access to social support in a safer and more dignified environment with appropriate equipment for approximately 5000 local children. Furthermore, professional consultations on post-traumatic mental health resilience were provided for 298 individuals (19 males, 279 females), job counselling for 164 people (67 males, 97 females), positive parenting lessons for 212 people (11 males, 201 females) and didactic activities were organised with child psychologists for 1030 children (520 boys, 510 girls).