Ingrid Brocková: A regular dialogue with the non-governmental sector on the implementation of the development policy remains a priority - SlovakAid

Ingrid Brocková: A regular dialogue with the non-governmental sector on the implementation of the development policy remains a priority

Today (February 24, 2021), the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Ingrid Brocková, held an online meeting with partners from the Platform of Development Organizations - Ambrela, as part of a regular dialogue with the non-governmental sector. The main topics of their conversation were the prospects of increasing the budget for the official development assistance of the Slovak Republic, streamlining the system of humanitarian aid provided abroad and cooperation in the field of raising awareness of development cooperation.

“We have an ongoing open dialogue of partnership with Ambrela aimed at improving various aspects of the development cooperation of the Slovak Republic. We agreed that we would continue to work together to raise awareness about SlovakAid. We also make joint efforts with Ambrela to increase the development cooperation budget. Ambrela also brings valuable impetus to the current process of streamlining humanitarian aid. I believe that by our joint efforts we will achieve a positive shift in all the mentioned areas,” said the State Secretary Ingrid Brocková.

The partners also discussed issues related to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities and financial stability of NGOs, and in this context, they touched upon the legal condition for co-financing development projects. Ingrid Brocková also informed Ambrela about the activities of the ministry in relation to the support of civil society in Belarus and about the possibilities of involving the Slovak non-governmental sector in the development activities of the EU or other donors, with which the ministry has been engaged. In conclusion, the partners agreed that the events planned this year by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs as well as by Ambrela are a good opportunity to raise awareness about development cooperation and its benefits for society.

Source: MFEA SR