Project of EU delegated cooperation aimed to provide support for internal market in Serbia - SlovakAid

Project of EU delegated cooperation aimed to provide support for internal market in Serbia

In December 2023 we published a call for the project named EU Support for Internal Market in Serbia, with a duration of 36 months (the amount of funds allocated for this call: 1,751,217.19 euros).

Project EU Support for Internal Market in Serbia is financed from the instrument for pre-accession assistance (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA), is aimed at integrating the Serbian market environment into the internal market of the European Union. It is already the third EU delegated cooperation project in a row for SAIDC.


The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation is involved in the implementation of the latest project in Serbia as a partner, together with the development agencies of Spain (FIIAPP) and Italy (AICS). 

Project Implementation

The implementation partner of the project will implement the project in the areas of e-commerce, one-stop consumer point of contact and consumer protection.

At its meeting on January 5, 2024, the MFEA SR Commission for the evaluation of applications for the provision of subsidies for the EU delegated cooperation project in the Republic of Serbia within the call SAMRS/2023/EU/RS/1 approved the request of the Regional Development Agency Senec-Pezinok (RRA SP) for a project called EU Support for the Internal Market. The application received an average score of 87.60 points out of a maximum of 100 points, the approved subsidy for the project amounts to 1,751,217.59 euros, the end of the project implementation must be scheduled no later than November 5, 2026.