Home SlovakAid Stakeholders
A substantial part of our world contains of members from countries and communities that face grand developmental and existential challenges. These challenges are greater than their potential to address them. The worst thing people can do is beat aside. The foreign policy of the Slovak Republic determined, an integral part of which is the responsibility of implementation of development cooperation under this SlovakAid, with an emphasis on a holistic approach and solidarity.
Since its official establishment in 2003, SlovakAid has succeeded in establishing itself on the international scene in the 20 years of its existence and transforming itself from the position of recipient of aid to a responsible donor.
The SlovakAid brand embodies efficiency, addressability, credibility and, despite a relatively low budget, is a strong and serious partner. The progress achieved was also stated in the first evaluation of the development cooperation of the Slovak Republic by the OECD Committee for Development Aid in 2018.
The importance of development cooperation as an instrument of Slovakia's foreign policy is gradually growing, which, however, is not reflected in the budget earmarked for this area. The Slovak Republic, as a donor, has to constantly increase the volume of public resources to achieve development cooperation and fulfil its international obligations. The most important of these is to accomplish a share of 0.33% of ODA provided in gross national income by 2030. The Slovak Republic is currently achieving a share of 0.15% of ODA / GNI with an annual volume of ODA of 162.8 mils. EUR (data for 2022), which represents a 24% year-on-year increase compared to 2021).
Several central state administration bodies actively participate in SlovakAid's activities. In addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic as the national coordinator of development cooperation, the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic has an crucial position as an entity responsible for providing material humanitarian aid, the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Slovak Republic which supports global and development education and manages Governmental scholarships of the SR for foreign students, the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic under the support of partner countries in the field of public finance and building capacities of business entities for their involvement in development cooperation. The Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic mainly provides humanitarian aid abroad. SlovakAid tools administered by SAMRS are also actively used by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and its departmental organizations.
MFEA SR is the national coordinator of development cooperation.
CONTACTDirectorate General for Economic and Development CooperationDepartment for Development Assistance and Humanitarian AidPhone: +421 2 5978 36 41Email: orpo@mzv.sk
In the field of development cooperation, there is a partnership between MFEA SR and UNDP, which also involves the transfer of Slovak experience and innovative ideas that respond to development challenges in North Macedonia and Moldova through the Slovak Challenge Fund.
MF SR focuses on the transfer of experience and knowledge from economic transformation and public finance management and support for the involvement of the private sector in development cooperation. The aim of transferring Slovakia's transformation and reform experiences to partner countries is to support democratization processes and good governance.
CONTACTInternational Relations SectionDepartment of Financial Instruments and International Institutions
In the context of Slovak development cooperation, the Ministry of Finance focuses mainly on supporting efficient and transparent management of public finances, supporting good governance and innovation in the public sector, and involving the private sector in development activities and projects.
The Public and Private Finance for Development program is the result of cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). With it, the Ministry contributes to the proper management of public finances and good governance in the partner countries of the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership.
In cooperation with UNDP, the Slovak Ministry of Finance also implements a program to support innovations to improve good governance and the provision of services to citizens, Transformative governance and financing.
In building the capacities of institutions responsible for managing public finances in the Western Balkans, the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic cooperates with the important international organization Center for Excellence in Finance in Ljubljana.
The Ministry of Finance also strives to make Slovakia visible as an initiative international actor that contributes to the formation of development policies and setting global standards in the management of public finances. The MF SR is an active member of the global Addis Tax Initiative, aimed at promoting effective and coherent tax policies and the prestigious Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability program, which aims to improve the management of public finances through a universal and standardized evaluation methodology, as well as research activities and building capacity in developing countries.
The MF SR creates opportunities for Slovak companies in developing countries together with the Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic (EXIMBANKA SR). The two main joint initiatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and EXIMBANK of the Slovak Republic include the performance of the tasks of the liaison point of contact for the private sector (PSLO) and the implementation of the preferential export credit program.
Another tool for supporting the private sector is the joint program of the Slovak Ministry of Finance and the UNDP Resource Mobilization Facility. Its goal is to identify international development projects with the highest probability of investment financing and successful implementation and to create prerequisites for the entry of Slovak expertise into the preparatory phase (feasibility study).
As part of multilateral development cooperation, the MoF SR provides contributions to international institutions; he is also behind the creation of a statistical reporting system for the development cooperation of the Slovak Republic.
MI SR is the coordinator and implementer of the provision of official humanitarian aid to the Slovak Republic abroad. The Civil Protection Office of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and later the Crisis Management Section became the National Contact and Coordination Centre for the Provision and Receipt of Humanitarian Aid.
CONTACTCrisis Management Section
MESRaS SR implements bilateral development cooperation through a program of government scholarships, outline a long-term part of the development cooperation of the Slovak Republic. Program of government scholarships implements bilateral development cooperation following the Medium-Term Development Cooperation Strategy of the Slovak Republic for 2019 - 2023.
CONTACTSection for International Cooperation and European Affairs
MARD SR participates in the development cooperation of the Slovak Republic through contributions to international organizations and the implementation of bilateral projects.
CONTACTPolicy and Foreign Coordination Section
ME SR implements bilateral and multilateral development cooperation through factual departments and departmental organizations in the form of project cooperation aimed at transferring experience to partner institutions in developing countries in the form of contributions to international organizations.
CONTACTSection for Environmental Policy, EU and International RelationsDepartment of International Relations
Odbor medzinárodných vzťahov
MD SR through the Centre of Ecumenical Pastoral Service of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and cooperation with other actors, especially the MI SR, MFEA SR provides humanitarian aid of the Slovak Republic abroad.