Introduction of production and use of the Slovak pulmonary ventilator Q-vent for "bridging" therapy of patients with COVID-19 and simple medical interventions - SlovakAid

Introduction of production and use of the Slovak pulmonary ventilator Q-vent for “bridging” therapy of patients with COVID-19 and simple medical interventions

Location of implmentation
State of projects implementation
Type of financing
Development projects
Implementation period
01.09.2021 - 30.06.2023
Good Health
ODA grant
128603.20 EUR
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta
School of Medicine, University of Nairobi (KE)


The aim of the project is to significantly mitigate the consequences of the crisis in connection with the Covid-19 disease through an alternative Q-vent lung ventilator in places where conventional lung ventilation is not available. The secondary purpose is for respiratory support of patients during simpler procedures. Another goal is to train domestic experts in Kenya to manufacture this device from available resources and medical staff to operate this device. At the same time, a start-up should be established at both universities, including the established technical team and platform in Kenya and the Slovak Republic. Professional publications are being prepared and several jobs should be created. © photo PRIF UK (from the left: doctors Ján Slopovský, Patrik Palacka, scientists Samuel Furka, Daniel Furka and team member Ali Paul Boru)

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