Expansion of the capacity of the Filip Neri primary school with the perspective of the secondary school - phase 3 - SlovakAid

Expansion of the capacity of the Filip Neri primary school with the perspective of the secondary school – phase 3

Location of implmentation
State of projects implementation
Type of financing
Development projects
Implementation period
01.09.2021 - 30.06.2023
Quality education
ODA grant
200000 EUR
Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, n.o.
St. Philip Neri Primary School (KE)


The aim of the submitted project is to increase the share of young people with quality primary and secondary education through support in the field of agriculture and environmental protection and the completion of the infrastructure of St. Philip Neri in Joska. The target group is 540 students and during the implementation 4 new classes will be built and arranged for secondary education, which will employ 10 new teachers. Thanks to the completion of the secondary school, a smooth transition of students from one level to another will be provided and at the same time education will be provided in all 3 areas (arts and sports sciences; humanities and social sciences and STEM). The project will also establish a school field with an irrigation system for the purposes of environmental protection and sustainable agriculture.

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