Public Procurement - SlovakAid

Public Procurement

Public procurement under the terms of Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) as a public contracting authority is governed by the Act no. 343/2015 Coll. on Public Procurement and on Amendments to Certain Other Acts (Public Procurement Act -PPA). SAIDC is a public contracting authority within the meaning of Section 7 (1) (d) of the PPA. Section 1 (13) (c) of the PPA shall not apply to below-the-limit contracts the subject-matter of which is the suply of goods, the execution of construction works or the provision of services intended for development cooperation or international humanitarian aid. In this case, SAIDC proceeds in accordance with Section 9 (3) of the Act No. 392/2015 Coll. on Development Cooperation and on Amendments to Certain Other Acts. SAIDC‘s public procurement plan for 2024. Profile of the contracting authority SAIDC on the portal of the Office for Public Procurement - profile search - ÚVO ( The list of contracts concluded by SAIDC is published in the Central Register of Contracts.


Currently, no public procurement has been announced