New Medium-Term ODA Strategy approved - SlovakAid

New Medium-Term ODA Strategy approved

In 2014, Slovak development assistance has entered the second decade of its existence. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs SR (MFEA SR) started to provide official development assistance under the SlovakAid logo in 2003. In the following years institutional, legal and strategic framework of the development programme has been created. The Department for Development and Humanitarian Assistance (DDHA) and the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) were established, the Act on Official Development Assistance and two five-year medium – term strategies and annual national programmes were adopted. Development assistance has become an integral part of the Slovak foreign policy and of the strategy of external economic relations. A number of Slovak ministries and state institutions have joined the development programme over the years and a stable base of NGOs represented by the Platform of the Non-Governmental Development Organisations was created. Several business entities have also joined the development activities. Within ten years more than 400 projects for ca EUR 40 million were implemented in almost 20 countries.

In September 2013, Slovakia was accepted as a fully-fledged member of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/DAC). This achievement can also be considered as a symbolic conclusion of ten year's integration into the international donor community. At the same time, it represents a new challenge for building modern, transparent and effective SlovakAid system when the international community is defining global development agenda beyond 2015.

At the time of formulation of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) before 2000, the Slovak Republic was still a recipient of aid. Now, at the time of preparation of new development goals beyond 2015, Slovakia is already acting as a donor country. The strategy for development cooperation of the SR, therefore, bears in mind the new position, new tasks and new responsibilities.

The Medium-Term Strategy for Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2014-2018 reflects the new requirements for the Slovak development cooperation system which result from the accession process and membership of the SR in the OECD/DAC. It defines the vision, goals and principles of SlovakAid, basic programmes and instruments used within these programmes. The document defines as well the territorial and sectoral priorities of SlovakAid and the management mechanism.

The Medium – Term Strategy for Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for    2014 – 2018 is based on the evaluation of the previous Strategy for 2009 – 2013. It was developed after intensive consultations with all important stakeholders involved in the Slovak development policy, i.e. ministries, other central state authorities, non-governmental, private and academic sector.