Home News Bilateral agreement on development cooperation with Kenya
On 10 November 2013 the bilateral Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kenya on Development Cooperation entered into force. The Agreement was signed in November 2011, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Mikuláš Dzurinda and on the Kenyan side, by the then Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta (based on the resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic no. 687/2011).
The Agreement sets out the general conditions for development cooperation between the countries, which is a prerequisite for enhancing the provision of official development aid system of the Slovak Republic. The agreement imposes Republic of Kenya to make efficient use of Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic, to take the necessary measures to prevent abuse or retention of funds provided under this assistance, as well as to guarantee non-infringement of the conditions under which these funds were provided.