Home Projects Drinking Water in Ialoveni: Improving the quality of life in Ialoveni Municipality through improved access to drinking water and raised awareness about water management
Cieľom projektu je zlepšenie kvality života prostredníctvom lepšieho prístupu k pitnej vode v meste Ialoveni a zvýšenie povedomia o hospodárení s vodou.
The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of the population in Ialoveni through better access to drinking water and to raise awareness about suitable water management. The project consists of two components: 1. Support to the provision of quality water and sanitation infrastructure – rehabilitation of 1035 m of the water connection system in Ialoveni to ensure complete and reliable drinking water coverage in the town; 2. Public work in Ialoveni and its surroundings with the aim to raise awareness on water management and environmental responsibility through information campaign and public events. Technical supervision in the project is provided by the senior technical consultant from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.